Friday, April 18, 2008

From the Website

Ten Post DinerYes, today’s Ten Post Round-Up is as cold as the Colorado mountains:

1: thepoetryman has something to say about the FLDS Church…

KNOTTED FACEA Poetic Justice

2: More “supporting the troops” by the Bush Administration…

Family’s Sole Surviving Son Denied GI

3: A case where “what happens in Vegas…” won’t be staying in Vegas…

The Las Vegas Economic Downturn Has StartedECONOMICROT

4: You thought your health care plan was expensive before, wait until you get sick with a serious illness…

Consumers may see higher co-pay

5: Not able to find enough diplomats to volunteer for duty in Iraq, the State Dept. will now start drafting them to go…

State Department warns diplomats of compulsory Iraq dutyMinstrel Boy

6: Another school kid calls out the big dogs on their errors…

German schoolboy, 13, corrects NASA’s asteroid figures:

7: Japan has joined in the war against fat people….

Cut Back on the SushiReason Magazine

8: McCain wants to suspend the gas tax for the summer…

McCain’s fix for hard timesThe Rocky Mountain News

9: There’s a problem with your cereal and it’s ten years old…

Marler Clark Sees Pattern in Malt-O-Meal Salmonella OutbreaksSigns of the Times

10: This is so typical of our politicians, these days, it comes as no surprise that they would start off with a bill to help homeowners and end up giving the bulk of the “help” to big business, instead…

Big Tax Breaks for Businesses in Housing Billtruthout

277 días hasta el final de un error…


(I love the smell of hypocrisy in my morning cuppa)

Last 5 posts by Dizzy Dezzi